Business/Life Coach

Michael Ray

Michael Ray

Smiles are a universal language of positivity & happiness. Through the inspiration of my non-verbal daughter, Smile Project Louisville is a movement to promote small acts that influence attitude & behavior….through smiling and acts of kindness. Be so happy that when others see you they become happy too.

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Jill Lublin

Jill Lublin

Jill shows her audience how to master the art of building trusting, long‐ lasting relationships through open, non‐adversarial interchanges that result in mutually beneficial outcomes.

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Bruce Kirk

Bruce Kirk

Bruce shares his journey of gratitude journaling and the positive influence this has had in business. Bruce provides tips that can transform your mindset from a stagnated ‘half empty/half full’ dilemma to one over-flowing with possibilities.

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Dave Sanderson

Dave Sanderson

Dave Sanderson is an Inspirational TEDx Speaker & Author who channeled his life-changing experience on US Airways Flight 1549, the Miracle on the Hudson, into a mission to provide insight on the important facets of faith, conviction and leadership; attributes that he credits with saving his life, and those of fellow passengers as the last passenger to leave the plane.

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Diane Rolston

As an Award-Winning Coach, Speaker and the CEO of Dynamic Women®, Diane Rolston has been called THE expert on being Dynamic. She is a behind the scenes advisor and coach for many professionals, business owners, and high achievers. She helps her clients to have “clarity” on what to focus on, the “confidence” to go for it, and an “action” plan so they have tangible steps to reach the best results.

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